Friday 29 February 2008

Some links and stuff

Since we're supposed to post something here at some point I thought I'd share some of the places I like to visit regularly.. I also highly recommend subscribing to rss feeds whenever you find some interesting blog or whatever place you like! Helps to keep you up-to-date and know exactly when new stuff has been posted. (I personally use a firefox add-on called Sage, if you don't even know what an rss feed is, start here)

Them links:

Gaming related
Kotaku, 4 color rebellion, Destructoid, The Escapist, British Gaming Blog,, GoNintendo

Random inspiration, images, design stuff
swissmiss, FFFOUND!, Dark Roasted Blend, It's Knuttz, Piclens, a firefox add-on for image browsing through flickr, google images etc

Miscellaneous & interesting
mental floss, Boing Boing, 10 Zen Monkeys, The Presurfer, Damn Interesting, Digg, Didn't You Hear..., Random Good Stuff, Neatorama, Anarchaia, Slashdot

Bob the angry flower, Dresden Codak, Joe Hates Crappy Movies, Multiplex, Questionable Content, The Perry Bible Fellowship, The Adventures of Dr. McNinja, The Unfeasible Adventures of Beaver & Steve, VG Cats, Penny Arcade, White Ninja Comics, Orneryboy, Sinfest, Ctrl+Alt+Del, Grumps, Captain Excelsior

It's needless to say that if you'll add all those sites to an rss feed reader and start browsing through them (+ a bunch of webcomics) every day, it'll probably show as a steep decrease in work efficiency. But who cares? It's fun. Being addicted to the Internets is super fun.

Thursday 28 February 2008


If you are interested in digital and electronic sound and music check out SoundNetwork. Opportunities for presenting work, and festival listings etc

Futuresonic Festival

Check out the Futuresonic Festival coming up in Manchester, UK. Over Vappu weekend, so you've got time to hop on the plane.....;-)

Tuesday 26 February 2008

Suvi Lindén - Eroa!

Latest very topical discussion on net censorship in Finland.