Wednesday 4 April 2007


Enter zombocom... for you can do anything at zombocom.. anything at all.... the limit.. is yourself...

Monday 2 April 2007

a site where there is this massive canvas on which you can leave your own mark. the thing is so huge that the maximum area you can cover with the ink given to you is about 2 pixels from the perspective showing the whole circle. (for some reason it didn't appear to work on me as I just tried it.. seems to have something to do with the aprilfools and the whole canvas being turned a little over 90 degrees.. but you can still at least look at this drawball history playback at here where you can see 40 hours of life on the canvas in one second)

Angry German kid

most funny gaming video with best possible acting (or not acting...)!

the chan

Has anybody ever heard of 4chan? some of you might, as it's the most known of 'the' channels. A chan is a message forum where you can post pictures along with text, even a story and others can reply to your post with the same. Really simple, isn't it? So what does the chan have that regular message forums don't? there is a certain board, the /b/, random, where the moderation and rules are at lowest level that international laws allow. The result is that many people come there to blow of steam. To act like assholes and enjoying themselves. You could say the whole thing is a never ending joke laughing at racism, misfortune of others, celebrities, religion, politics, pop-culture you name it.. many have related /b/ as cancer that spoils all that is beautiful and nice in the world. on the other hand it's just mindless babble, a noise coming from the head when all reason is abandoned. then there is porn.. and cats.. and mutilated bodies.. and other weird stuff as well.

What is so very interesting about the chan as part of internet culture is that it seems that the users are very aware of the internet and what it holds and is capable of doing. what ever happens in the world that is at least minorly globally interesting /b/ most likely has some sort of bad goof or joke about. Then the anonymous, as the /b/ users refer to themselves, go around raiding other internet communities and individuals they find annoying. The impact of 2,000 evil nerds making fun of your existance is quite tremendous, and it's said that on some instances this has even lead to suicides, but this has never been verified.

So, now I invite you to look at some stuff that will spoil your mind forever, and you'd wish you'd never seen. , the most known, but as the place what it is, has drawn a lot of bad reputation to itself, so the moderators are really strict in enforcing even gray area illegal material posters (child pornography, drug selling etc..) with lifetime bans. , originally established to improve the humoric value of /b/, since 4chan /b/ is really messy and bad most of the time. But then again the original idea is that you post what you like and don't give it a second thought. animu, drugs and dongs as they refer to themselves, but really what's different there is the vast selection of drug related discussion boards. the original concept, but this is in japanese, so don't bother if you don't know the language.

Thursday 29 March 2007

Shanghai Maglev Train

Shanghai Maglev Train is the fastest train in China,developped by German ThyssenKrupp and SIEMENS.It cost $1.2 billion or more.When I was in Shanghai,I went to the Shanghai PVG (Pudong Airport) by this Maglev train,and the ticket is 50RMB(=5euro).I have to say this is a fantastic stuff,really wonderful.But I think the Shanghai government will never get their money back.--Only a few tourists go the the airport by the maglev train. =(

Tuesday 13 March 2007

Virtual Medicine

Virtual Medicine
Photograph by Cary Wolinsky

This virtual rat imaged on a screen began with a CT scan of the real animal. The scan was fed into a computer, which generated imagery of the animal complete with organs and blood vessels. The image, created at NASA’s Ames Research Center in Mountain View, California, is three-dimensional when viewed through the proper glasses and can be rotated, enlarged, reduced, and even dissected so a viewer can get a cross-sectional view of the heart or a kidney. Astronauts preparing to study rats on the space station will practice on the virtual rat, taking virtual blood and doing virtual biopsies. En route to Mars someday, astronauts could have their virtual bodies stored in a computer. In the event of an emergency such as appendicitis, the victim’s imagery would be projected while a computer coaches an astronaut through a virtual appendectomy. Then everyone would hold their breath for the real thing.


Fashion+technology+art. A student project, lots of interesting ideas. Some of them even work.

Techie Diva's Guide to Gadgets
Gadgets from a girl's point of view, for example the Boyfriend Pillow.

"Wearable technology, design, fashion & culture"

Ian Pearson writes about the future of fashion

Rape Me

I think the original Nirvana song is much more better than that computer version.
Well this is my opinion...Opinion is also a good song by Nirvana.


By the way...
You can link webaddress in Firefox server but not in Safari.
Where´s the problem?

Wearable computers - Security: Links

Some background links for the presentation on "wearable computers - security" on tue 13th of march:

health checker wrist band
"shocking" wear
big brother prision
airport security wrist bands
military equipment for sale
"brooklyn connection" - civil war supported legally

Monday 12 March 2007

LIFE - artificial organism

i think andy referred this game in one of his recent lectures. this "game" is very interesting in matter of researching how different patterns start to evolve and create new "lifeforms". i suggest you to read the whole page, it's very interesting.

Description of C64 graphic modes

this is great little site explaining different commodore 64 graphic modes - great for all those pixel wankers who want to explore truly olskool graphic stuff.

Virtual Battlespace One

we came across the VBS1 which very well might be to most realistic and largest multiplayer war game simulation to this day. it is used e.g. by US army in their training, and also lots of other countries all over the world.

"C'mon! shoot the Jesus!"

More Travel history

Jesper Just

Paavo Lehtonen mentioned Jesper Just today.
If there´s something good about I love Malmö exhibition it would be his videoworks,
especially No man is an iland II where group of men sings Roy Orbison´s Crying.

Links useful for art ideas and whatnot

Interactive projection:
Floor projection - youtube
Laser tag

Circuit Bending(NICE !!):
video circuit bending
video bending demonstration
music device bending
music device bending

This isn's too digital but it is.

BBC World - Click

Click explains the latest developments in the world of technology. The team review the latest gadgets and major tech news.

Travel - History

Wearable Computers - Security

Security WristCare

Electric Cinderella Shoes with built-in stun gun
You have freedom to be sexy without fear

Big Brother Prison

How tagging passengers could improve airport security

Future Military Equipment

A whole new way to plug 'n play!
You can feel the music!

Nano research

Nano power:

General nano research:

Saturday 10 March 2007

portable internet tablet experienses

Last three days I have had internet in my pocket, literally.
Where ever I had a break, I connected myself to internet.
With my new pocket size nokia 770 it's so easy,
because WiFi is everywhere.

I can't say that my internet surffing has been very productive. It was too easy to
forget home work and get carried away with interesting web sites and links to other
new sites. I think this is normal because my PDA is new and I'm just learning all the possible uses for this.

So far I have managed to do following things:
-read and write email
-listen to internet radio, download podcasts and listen to mp3-music
-have news sent to me when published
-chat with my friends by typing and talking (and it's free!)
-view satellite images and maps from google maps (can also be use GPS-locator)
-Watch few movies. unfortunately not all video formats.

battery lasts about 3 hours when online, maant times more for other purposes.
I found out that I can use 1/10 of transmitting power to save battery when WiFi signal is strong. it could be a good idea to disconnect from WiFi when reading a long text on web page and re-connect when going to next web page.

installing new software tot his unix-operating system PDA is a pain
but using it has been a pleasure. It weights only 230 grams, by the way!

Friday 9 March 2007


Thursday 8 March 2007


Now everybody can be cbrnoids! ;B

List of others:

What are you looking at?

Wednesday 7 March 2007

The Photo-Ball. It´s Huge! The Photo-Ball. It´s Amazing!!

This is an attempt to take an concrete advantage out of the course.

For a while, I´ve been searching solutions to make a-ball-shaped-photograph, but due to lack of time or whatever, the results haven´t seen the daylight yet. So, inspired by this course and these digital methods of sharing thoughts and knowledge, I´m trying to find co-worker(s) for this contemporary photography project throuh this medium.

As I know, there haven´t been such "photographic balls" around yet, so the work would be innovative research of a few technical solutions, testing them together to make a prototype, and to look where the results could lead.

To explain a little, The Photo-Ball is the whole view, scenary in one photograph. It´s made out of a large amount of photographs taken from every direction around the camera and digitally put together as one. David Hockney´s picture, on the right, is a harsh example of the idea. The hardest thing is bending a two-dimentional surface over a round object to match precisely to make pleasure to body and soul. The Photo-Ball. The Ultimate Format! And we´ll make it! Or not.'

Jonas Mekas and 365 Films

Film maker Jonas Mekas (84) has a project called 365 Films, where he publishes one film on his web site on every day of one year. Downloading of each film is free on the day of its release.

In an interview in Helsingin Sanomat on March 7th he is telling about how his film making technique has changed during the decades from film to video and then to digital techniques.

He says that in the sixties film makers thougt that 8 mm film would be the inexpensive way to reach large audiences, but in fact it hasn´t happened until now that people can watch films on the internet whenever and where ever they want to.

Learning To Love You More

This is a nice site to visit. Or even take part in the assignments.

"Learning to Love You More is both a web site and series of non-web presentations comprised of work made by the general public in response to assignments given by artists Miranda July and Harrell Fletcher. Yuri Ono designs and manages the web site.
Participants accept an assignment, complete it by following the simple but specific instructions, send in the required report (photograph, text, video, etc), and see their work posted on-line."

about speech recognition :

"I called my credit card company and was listening to the phone tree prompts. "For balance, press, or say, one." Then I sneezed. The computer took my sneeze for some vocal command and I was suddenly being prompted for my social security number.
I think all voice recognition software should be able to recognize a sneeze or a cough and then respond with "gesundheit" or "you sound like you need a doctor."

other links:

Some crazy shit...

Good morning digital culture!
Just to make your day better...enjoy these 5 minutes..

Tuesday 6 March 2007

more and more robotics!

Hey guys.. I think Robots are just everywhere.
And I hope those links work as links. copy pasting is kinda boring

Guys from the power plant
So kool with futuristical and some brave music. whoppii
The medicalBot
Singing robot (from Icelandia, I didn't know that they have robots there also!)
More musical robots(they seem to be musically active folk)
A Chinese musical Robot
Songs about robots wthout robots

Here's a little Robotical Mixtape:
Fat Truckers: Anorexic robot
Freezepop: Robotron 2000
The Organ: Robotti
Anthony Rother: Destroy him my robots
Tv On the Radio: Robots
Mr.Velcro Fastener: Real Robots, Real robots don't die and Robots for life
Gary Numan: Are "friends" Electric?
Robots in disguise: all their songs
Lectric Workers: robot is systematic
Kraftwerk: Robots
Mr.bungle: Robots
Soulwax: The Robots
Alexander Robotnick: Problemes D'amour

If there's a way to upload tracks to blog, all of those songs are worth to listen. The Organ's Robotti on really Kuumaa kamaa.

your robot friend

Linki Linx

What do US of A's government say about the life in the world of robots?
I do listen.

Monday 5 March 2007

David Rothenberg

If you wanna know something about David Rothenberg who plays clarinet and other instruments with different creatures of nature like birds and whales, check this website:

Bird bird bird is a word. Maybe birds make his heart sing. :)

The Citroen ads

Skating mecha
dancing mecha

(I personally prefer the firs one :>)

Bugs Bunny Nips the Nips

Bugs fights stereotyped Japanese during World War II.

The Technology of War - Links to Hi-Tech Warfare

Links on hi-tech warfare. New weapons and soldier's equipment.

An article on CNN about the new Long Range Acoustic Device (LRAD), a sound-based non-lethal weapon mainly for growd control:

Wikipedia article on the Active Denial System (ADS), also a non-lethal weapon utilising a stong energy wave:

The ADS is also known as the heat-ray-gun. Read more on BBC:

A resource page on Directed Energy Weapons being developed by for examples The Department of Defense and The Air Force Research Laboratory:

US military showing off State-of-the-Art Science, such as photovoltaic fabric:,14632,Soldiertech_Modern,,00.html

The current equipment of the modern U.S. Soldier:,0,1664173.blurb

A great text-resource on Future Weapons like the Hypersonic Attack Aircraft, the Reconnaissance UAV and the Orbital Combat Vehicle:

Friday 2 March 2007

Wednesday 28 February 2007

Let's get started

We've had the first two days of the course - I hope you are enjoying it and getting some new ideas and fresh perspectives on our media landscape.....? Please start looking for interesting stories about new technologies, networks, digital media, etc, as well as images, movies, whatever you think is interesting. I'd really hope that all of you can find things that are personally interesting for you - and share them with the rest of the group here!

For starters here is a quite funny application for a CCTV camera - birdwatching! See

Monday 26 February 2007

Welcome to Digital Culture

This is the blog for Digital Culture course Spring 2007. Everyone should contribute to the blog by posting comments and finding interesting articles and images to share with the whole group.